Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mighty Mommy Monday #3

It’s Mighty Mommy Monday! Laura of Pug in the Kitchen and I have decided to challenge you on a weekly basis.  Claim the Mighty Mommy title for yourself — every day, not just Mondays. Every week, we’ll host a link up for you to tell us what you’re doing to take care of your health: workouts, menu plans, how to keep your family active, etc. I’ve set a few goals for 2014, but my biggest is to swim a total of 50 miles this year. I even started a new blog to chronicle the process: Mighty Mermaid Mommy!

Update On My Progress

In the past week, I had to take a step back from my fitness goals to focus on my whole family's health while we weathered a stomach bug. It started at the end of the previous week with three-year-old Joshua coming down with it at school. I thought we were in the clear until the wee hours of the morning on Monday when 14-month-old David began vomiting. He recovered just in time for me to get sick Wednesday evening into Thursday. And now as I write on Sunday night, my husband Ed is showing signs that he's finally got the bug. It seems like a pretty long incubation period, where we've got one or two healthy days between family members getting sick, and it's a quick bug with only about 12 hours of actual vomiting. However, those hours are brutal and the exhaustion that followed knocked me out for the following day. In a single day I lost about five pounds due to dehydration. Now, I've already reached my healthy goal weight and I know I'm not retaining unnecessary water, so this loss hit me hard. I'm still working on getting myself and the rest of my family healthy and hydrated.

Needless to say that between the caring, resting, cleaning up and recuperation, I was unable to get any workouts in this week. I did have the chance to go swim this weekend but instead opted to join my family for a walk outdoors in the sunshine during unusually mild January weather. We really just needed that fresh air! I also managed to take the time we were all healthy over the weekend and catch up on laundry and a bit of cleaning (but not too much!) so that I won't have to worry about housekeeping during the work week.

I'm counting the past week as a rest week, which is just fine because I know it's not going to derail the healthy lifestyle that I've worked so hard to develop over the past year. I'm planning to get back to my exercise routine this week, and setting a goal of three workouts for the week. I'm going to make sure everything I eat is healthy this week without imposing restrictions, since I'm still down some weight due to my illness, and focus on getting plenty of fluids and rest.

What progress did you make toward your health & fitness goals in the past week? Share in the comments and/or go write a post about it and come back to link it up here! Feel free to use our Mighty Mommy Mondays badge in your posts or on your side bar, with a link back here, to spread the word. In the spirit of community and encouragement, please take some time to visit the other posts linked below and see what kind of goals everyone else has set for 2014. And don’t forget to come back here or to Pug in the Kitchen every Monday to share your progress!

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